
Take a look at 2 Corinthians 9:2 where Paul writes these words,

For I know your willingness, about which I boast of you to the Macedonians, that Achaia was ready a year ago; and your zeal has stirred up the majority.

Did you notice those last eight words, and your zeal has stirred up the majority? Passion is contagious.

What do you think might happen if a community saw a church that was utterly on fire? Where all the members in that church were passionate about their worship, passionate about their relationship with God, passionate about serving one another, passionate about real deal Christianity where the rubber meets the road?

I believe there is a divine attraction to that!  And I believe that it would transform a community.

Sadly, most communities witness just the opposite—compromise, apathy, and boredom—not passion.

Now, rather than complain, I want to challenge you to live life with real passion. Go all out for God. It only takes one person to ignite the fire of passion in others.

I heard the story of a man who came to hear D. L. Moody preach. While sitting there the man next to him asked, “Do you come out here because you believe the things he’s preaching?”

His response was, “No. I come out because he believes it.”

Passion is contagious! Are people catching it from you? Is your zeal for Christ stirring up those who come in contact with you? If not, ask God to put that passion into your heart today and watch what happens!

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